
  1. Download the Determinant AI plugin here

  2. Open your RobloxStudio and load your game

  3. Go to File → Game Settings → Security

  4. Check Allow HTTP Requests and Enable Studio Access to API Services and save

    Screen Shot 2023-12-12 at 8.19.23 PM.png

  5. Go back to the studio to Plugins → Inventory → My Plugins. You should see the Determinant AI plugin.

    Screen Shot 2023-12-12 at 8.21.14 PM.png

  6. Click on the plugin and Install

Create an AI NPC

The easiest way to create an AI NPC with Determinant AI is to load a rig into RobloxStudio using a 3rd party plugin like Load Character. You can also connect your own rig to Determinant AI. (they should be placed under Workspace)

  1. Load a character into your game(under Workspace)

  2. Open the Determinant AI interface under Plugins → Create NPC Script

  3. You will see a list of available characters you can connect to Determinant AI. You can also specify their background story and enable intelligent emotes and/or perception.

    Intelligent emotes allow your character to respond to players by emoting, for e.g. they could cry if the player says something sad.

    Perception allows your character to “see” and understand their surroundings, for e.g. they will know a bench is nearby and could direct players to use it if they are tired.

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Players can now interact with your AI NPC!

When players get close to your AI NPC, they will be prompted to press “E” to talk once they have done so they can chat and interact with your NPC just like they would with another player

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